The atma or soul is the Universal Self that has no individualized "I". The soul does not belong to the body..........nor is it affected by the thoughts contained in the mind. The human birth is very sacred...............It is in this birth that one can tap into the vibrations of the Universal Self and observe the so called individualized self as the illusion and mere reflection of the Universal Self. It is the power of thought that makes one trapped in the illusions of the individualized self. Even when one gets a glimpse of the atma or the soul one dives deep into the heart. The heart is the center that vibrates with pure love. Within this pure love is the word of truth. Within this word of truth lies the secret of creation and a vision of expansive knowledge. The mind and the intellect can never know nor comprehend the pure love that vibrates within the heart. The very attempt to understand this love is the beginning of misunderstanding the Universal Truth. The only way to reach this heart is to contemplate on your every thought to reach its root. The root of every thought is a misunderstanding.............once you realize the misunderstanding the thought no more exists. As you understand your every misunderstanding you shall unknowingly move more to your center..........toward the heart............which is pure love. When the flow of love within you shall be your peace.............when the ways of love are no more confusing to you.............when every thought shall touch the feet of love and remain silent in its is then that the journey |